Writer’s Platform-Building Campaigns

The Writers’ Platform-Building Campaigns are a way to link writers, authors, bloggers, industry people, and published authors with the idea of helping to build our online platforms.

Today is the last day to sign up. Just go to http://www.rachaelharrie.blogspot.com/p/writers-platform-building-crusade.html and sign up.

#Ryder’s Journal–Tuesday August 30 2011

The theme of this journal is the dilemma that authors face after we are published. Our job doubles. Now we have to write and we have to promote.

Today I finished A Stolen Life, by Jaycee Dugard, wrote a review, and did a blog article.  No writing on the WIP. We are prepping the house for a new a/c, which will be delivered and installed tomorrow morning. I’m feeling rather overwhelmed with the family health issues and can’t seem to concentrate on real writing projects. I can do a 500 word article in twenty minutes. But real writing takes more creativity, and mine has been gone for a few weeks now. At least I think it’s only been a few weeks. Somehow, I must work this out. No sense in promoting book one, if I never write book two. Something’s gotta give.

Favorite Websites For Authors

This is the first post of a rolling blog tour on the topic of Favorite Mystery Movies. To read previous blog tours, check out Red Herrings, What is Your Method of Plotting?, Writer’s Conferences, and When Did You Know You Were A #Storyteller? Please take the time to visit the  next blog on today’s topic: KT Wagner’s http://www.northernlightsgothic.com. We hope you will take the time to read a few of the other roll topics, and also return Friday for a roll on Sub-Genres of Mysteries.

And now, on to my article on Favorite Websites for Authors. 

There are some really good websites out there for writers. One of my favorites is http://www.savvyauthors.com. This is a big site. There are thousands of articles, classes, and this year, even an online conference. You can join for free and get access to tons of info, or you can pay a $35.00 annual fee and get even more. And the people who run this site are very patient and generous.

Another fav is http://www.editordevil.com, which is a blog by Christine Fairchild, one of the primo teachers on the subject of writing.  Her articles are clear and concise, and she has a great sense of humor. I’ve taken a few of Christine’s classes and she is amazing.

And then there is http://www.shewrites.com. I love this site. Again, lots of articles, but what I love most about it are the forums, live chats and groups where women writers of like mind can talk about whatever problem they are facing, usually dealing with writing issues, but not always. And if the topic is one you aren’t interested in, you can move on to something else.

Here are a few more I tend to cruise around:

http://thecritiquecorner-writethatnovel.blogspot.com                                                                                                                             http://bookendslitagency.blogspot.com/                                                                                                                                                      http://www.plotwhisperer.blogspot.com/                                                                                                                                                    http://www.goodreads.com/                                                                                                                                                                               http://www.sandraparshall.com/write.html

I hope you get the oppotunity to visit these sites and enjoy the learning experiences, social activities, and even make some friends in the biz. And below, you’ll find the other members of the Rolling Mystery Blog Tour Ink who are on this roll. Please take time out to visit them.

KT Wagner–www.northernlightsgothic.com/blog                                                                                                                                 Nancy Lauzon–www.chickdickmysteries.com/2011/08/31/

Book Review: A Stolen Life: A Memoir by Jaycee Dugard

Review by Ryder Islington

This book is a heart rending true story of what Jaycee Dugard went through at the hands of a crazy man and his crazy wife. Ms. Dugard tells the story in first person, from before she was abducted through the present. I found it sad, and at the same time courageous.

It’s hard to believe that such rotten people as Phillip Gerrido and his wife exist, and yet we know it’s true. It makes me want to grab hold of everyone I love and never let them out of my sight. And it makes me feel very protective of every child in my neighborhood, and my city.

Ms. Dugard did a great job of conveying feelings, describing circumstances, and helping the reader understand how she became withdrawn, careful, and people pleasing, just to survive. I’m so glad she wrote this book. I hope parents all over America will read it. We, as parents, need to know how our acts affect our children. Ms. Dugard’s reaction to her captors, and to her mother after they were reunited, shows how very much children are molded by how they are treated and what they see in the adults around them.

I’m happy for Ms. Dugard and her girls. They are finally free, and receiving the help they need to go forward in life. This is a book I would buy, if for no other reason than to support this young woman who went through hell and came out the other side. But I hope people will read it for the powerful story it tells.  I hope everyone who reads this review will read this book. Bring a box of tissue. You’ll need it.

#Ryder’s Journal–Monday August 29 2011

The theme of this journal is the dilemma that authors face after we are published. Our job doubles. Now we have to write and we have to promote.

The bad news is the microwave died.  The good news is we finished canning 11 quarts of salsa and I’m almost finished reading A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard.

Had a rough day with my hubby. I’m so glad our son is here with us. The blog is getting more and more hits, so more and more people are seeing the book cover. Now if I can just manage to get back to work on book 2–and still manage my own health as well as my hubby’s, then things will be better. I’m glad for all I’ve learned about writing in the last few years. It gives me confidence that I will be able to finish the book. I just don’t know when.  With carpel tunnel in both wrists and all the other health issues, it really is difficult to meet any kind of deadline.

Hoping to be able to write some tomorrow. Wish me luck.

What Can and Should Writers do to Support Literacy?

This article is the first in Monday’s rolling tour of the Rolling Mystery Blog Tours Ink. Other bloggers who participated in this roll are listed at the bottom of this page, past the article. The next stop on the tour is at KT Wagner’s blog at http://www.northernlightsgothic.com/blog. If you haven’t already visited her site, please take the time out today to stop by and take a look. And now, on to my article: What Can and Should Writers do to Support Literacy? I think everyone should do whatever we can to support literacy. A lot of people struggle to read, and because it’s a struggle, it’s no fun, and they don’t want to do it. But if they learn to read really well, it’s no longer a chore, and at least some of them will become readers of our books. But that’s not really the main reason to support literacy. Most people who become politicians, scientists, doctors, lawyers, judges, etc., have to read, and read well. Without the ability to read, they can’t make it through school with decent grades. They can’t learn what they need to know in order to become really good at the profession of their choice. Reading is vital to our national security, our national strength in the world of medicine and finance, our own health and security as individuals, and as communities. To me the question of should writers support literacy is easy. Of course! The  question that’s hard is:  What Can we do to Support Literacy? I believe that the majority of writers hold down full-time jobs, have families, and run full speed ahead all the time, so it’s difficult to volunteer. And with the economy in the toilet, it’s hard for a lot of us to give money in support of literacy. So what can we do? For those of us who write books kids can read, we can donate copies to libraries. I guess even books not appropriate for kids could be donated so illiterate adults could be encouraged to learn to read so they can enjoy them.  If we have time, we can volunteer to teach someone to read and participate in reading programs at schools and libraries.  We can certainly  teach our own children the importance of reading well, provide them with books, and provide incentives for them when they read.  What else is there? I’m open to suggestion and look forward to hearing other ideas.   The rest of our partners are still deep in revisions, dealing with family, and fighting with cranky computers. I hope we all get back to the normal routine of blogging as a team soon.

#Ryder’s Journal–Sunday August 28 2011

The theme of this journal is the dilemma that authors face after we are published. Our job doubles. Now we have to write and we have to promote.

I finally got the library book: A Stolen Life, by Jaycee Dugard. It’s less than 300 pages, so it won’t take long to read. And I made considerable headway on my other project. My son and I are making organic salsa. I don’t have the energy or strength to do most of the work making the salsa, but I’ll be canning it tomorrow.

It’s been a nice day–I like rain, and a little wind never hurts either, so I’m enjoying the weather. I’ll be glad when my schedule gets back closer to normal. I miss having regular time to write. During this time that I’m using for my two projects, I intend to do a little promotion every week day, if I’m able.

Today I cut another five inches off my hair. It was down to my butt and very difficult to manage. A few weeks ago I layered it and cut about five inches off. A couple of weeks later I cut off three more inches.  So now it’s just a few inches past my shoulders. Maybe that will help with the headaches.

#Ryder’s Journal–Saturday August 27 2011

The theme of this journal is the dilemma that authors face after we are published. Our job doubles. Now we have to write and we have to promote.

Another Sabbath has rolled around and I am in need of its peace.  This week has been long and very difficult. Too much to do. Not enough sleep. Too much pain.  I thankful that I have a comfortable bed, an air conditioner, and a lock on the door.

My two major projects are in process. One of them is a set of Bible Study documents that I need to finish before October 22nd, when the new reading cycle begins. The other is a book I’ve wanted to read ever since I learned of it and my name finally came up on the library list. If I don’t take it now, my chance won’t come back around for months. And I’ll have to finish it in two weeks because they won’t let me renew it when others are waiting for it. These things may sound unimportant to some, but my entire budget for entertainment consists of Dish TV and books, so I take advantage of the relaxation that reading for pleasure brings.

Hope all of you enjoy your weekend. I’ll  be back with a journal entry Sunday, and a new article Monday.

People Who Turn Me Off

This post is in conjunction with the Blog-A-Licious Blog Tour, a fantastic blog hop that brings together bloggers of all genres, backgrounds and locations. I’m posting this Friday before sundown to be part of Saturday’s hop. So starting Saturday, the blog featured before mine is “http://www.rhiannonpaille.com/” The blog featured after mine is the fascinating “http://www.karenvwasylowski.blogspot.com” Do stop by and say hello plus some of us are having giveaways and contests. Enjoy!

So now for the subject of People Who Turn Me Off

I’m not a narrow-minded person. I like all kinds of people from all walks of life. But there are two things that some people do that really turn me off. The first is to act like they are better than others. That makes me kinda crazy. When someone lifts his/her nose at the sight of someone who is handicapped, or of a different race, or poor, or overweight, or of a different religion, I feel like slapping them. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. And in fact,though I consider all humans to be of the same value, those who are haughty aren’t as good as the ones they look down on.

The other thing that someone can do to really turn me off, is to abuse others. Parents who beat children, husbands who beat wives, siblings who beat their siblings, bullies at school. People who beat animals. Their goals are to make the ones they are beating submissive. They don’t pick on people who can fight back. Instead, they choose those whom they know they can easily abuse without getting hurt themselves.

Notice that what I’m saying is that the behavior is the problem. Humans are all made out of the same material. We all come into the world in the same way. Some don’t get the same opportunities as others. Some are born with handicaps. Some are born in poor families. Some are born with a lower intelligence. None of those things make any one of us less than. I am just as valuable as any politician, actor, sports star, millionaire, or beauty queen, though I hold none of those titles.

I do believe that, for the most part, people can change, though they may need help to do so. The question is, are they willing to change? Could Charlie Manson change? Not by himself. It would take more than what he has on his own to change. Is he less than me? No. He is everything that I don’t want to be. But, there but for the grace of the Father, go I.

Here is a list of all the participants of today’s Blog-A-Licious Blog Tour:

1. Shelley – http://bookfare.blogspot.com/
2. Totsy – http://totsymae.com/
3. Janu – http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com
4. Shaeeza – http://shaeeza.blogspot.com/
5. Dora – http://peacefrompieces.blogspot.com/
6. Corinne – http://www.everydaygyaan.com
7. Rhiannon – http://www.rhiannonpaille.com/
8. Ryder – https://ryderislington.wordpress.com/
9. Karen – http://www.karenvwasylowski.blogspot.com-
10. Dora – http://blogaliciousauthors.blogspot.com/

#Ryder’s Journal–Thursday August 25 2011

The theme of this journal is the dilemma that authors face after we are published. Our job doubles. Now we have to write and we have to promote.

What I want to know is What Happened To Wednesday?  Somehow, I missed my journal entry for yesterday. I did post an article, but I forgot my journal entry. Things like that happen when my brain is fried. I can only do so much and then I can’t remember, can’t think, can’t function.

This as been an unusually busy week, what with doctor appointments and life issues getting in the way, added to high temps and humidity. I did finish reading The Help, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and am working on trying to get book one into some book clubs. But I only got 1500 words written on my WIP.

I have two more major projects I must complete before I concentrate solely on my WIP for a week or two. I’m hoping to have those two projects completed by Sept 15. So hopefully, I’ll be able to get some writing done soon. As you can see, life is not always a bowl of cherries. But I’ve never been a quitter, so I will write, one way or the other.