I’m IT! A Game of Tag

My Work-In-Progress has been tagged by the funny and amazing Marion Allen. You may want to visit her at http://www.marianallen.com and read about her WIP. But first, since I’m IT, it’s my turn to answer ten questions about my WIP and tag five other writers.

Here are the questions:

 What is the working title of your book?

  Ultimate Game, A Trey Fontaine Mystery.  This is book two of the series.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

Basically, I stole it. I watched a movie entitled Human Trafficking and my brain started firing on  at least half of its cylinders.

 What genre does your book fall under?

 It will be sold as a mystery but would easily fit into police procedural, suspense and thriller.

 Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

This is really easy because I use actors when building my characters, so readers can easily ‘see’                    them.

                 Alexis Claire Edwards (Angelina Jolie) FBI

                 Trey Fontaine  (Brad Johnson) FBI 

                 Roberto Fausto   Martinez Hopkins  (David Zayas) FBI MCVO

                 Olesia Kasztelewicz (Reese Witherspoon) UC FBI at casino

                 Russell Coleman (Morgan Freeman)  Retired Det/PI

                 Voletta Samantha Drake (Carmyn Manheim) Computer Geek

                 Joan Elizabeth Edwards (Jessica Alba) Victim of Human Traffickers

                 Joseph Dell Papillion (Michael Douglas) Casino Mgr/Drug Dealer

                 Willie Markray (Vin Diesel) Papillions’s bodyguard

                 Mela Klimas  (Jamie Lee Curtis)  JoDell’s Personal Asst

                 Snow Alcibiades (Uma Thurman) Buys women/sells drugs


What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

 A sixteen year old girl trying to settle a score with the attacker of her FBI sister, becomes a victim of human traffickers and the main target of the Ultimate Game.


Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I don’t have an agent but I do have a great publisher:  LL-Publications, who published the first book in this series—Ultimate Justice, A Trey Fontaine Mystery.


How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

 I actually wrote some of this book, while I was writing the first book in the series. Then it sat for a few years. And now I’m at it again. I’m hoping to finish the rough draft by my birthday, toward the end of the year. The editor is patiently waiting. Oh, wait! I didn’t answer the question. At least two years of actual work.

 What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

 Trapped by Greg Iles and Stalemate by Iris Johansen. I’m not comparing my skill to these authors, but there is an element in each of them that reminds me of what my characters are going through and how they react to the situations they find themselves in.


Who or What inspired you to write this book?

 When I wrote book one of the series, Ultimate Justice, A Trey Fontaine Mystery, this story started to intrude.  I blame it on the main character. He didn’t really have time to deal with this part of the story in book one, so  he’s left with finishing it now.


What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

 Mothers and other relatives searching for their missing girls; the only Black detective on a police force in southwest Louisiana; a woman who makes Trey Fontaine absolutely crazy; and villains you love to hate while feeling compassion for them.

So, now that you’ve learned about my WIP, stay in touch, because later this week, I will reveal the five authors I have tagged, so you can learn about theirs.

Authors Playing Tag

I’m IT!
I’ve been tagged by Marion Allen, an author of fantasy novels. So next week, I will post an article which answers ten questions about my WIP, and I will tag 5 other authors, who will then be IT. Each of them will do an article, answering the same questions, and each of them will tag five other authors. So stay tuned. I’m going to be IT from Sept 25th until Oct 2nd. I hope to entertain, inform, and share success with some great people.
If you’d like to be tagged, please leave a comment with your email addy, and your blog address, so I can properly introduce you when the time comes.

Ready! Set! Play!