Writer’s Platform-Building Campaigns

The Writers’ Platform-Building Campaigns are a way to link writers, authors, bloggers, industry people, and published authors with the idea of helping to build our online platforms.

Today is the last day to sign up. Just go to http://www.rachaelharrie.blogspot.com/p/writers-platform-building-crusade.html and sign up.

#Ryder’s Journal–Tuesday August 30 2011

The theme of this journal is the dilemma that authors face after we are published. Our job doubles. Now we have to write and we have to promote.

Today I finished A Stolen Life, by Jaycee Dugard, wrote a review, and did a blog article.  No writing on the WIP. We are prepping the house for a new a/c, which will be delivered and installed tomorrow morning. I’m feeling rather overwhelmed with the family health issues and can’t seem to concentrate on real writing projects. I can do a 500 word article in twenty minutes. But real writing takes more creativity, and mine has been gone for a few weeks now. At least I think it’s only been a few weeks. Somehow, I must work this out. No sense in promoting book one, if I never write book two. Something’s gotta give.

Favorite Websites For Authors

This is the first post of a rolling blog tour on the topic of Favorite Mystery Movies. To read previous blog tours, check out Red Herrings, What is Your Method of Plotting?, Writer’s Conferences, and When Did You Know You Were A #Storyteller? Please take the time to visit the  next blog on today’s topic: KT Wagner’s http://www.northernlightsgothic.com. We hope you will take the time to read a few of the other roll topics, and also return Friday for a roll on Sub-Genres of Mysteries.

And now, on to my article on Favorite Websites for Authors. 

There are some really good websites out there for writers. One of my favorites is http://www.savvyauthors.com. This is a big site. There are thousands of articles, classes, and this year, even an online conference. You can join for free and get access to tons of info, or you can pay a $35.00 annual fee and get even more. And the people who run this site are very patient and generous.

Another fav is http://www.editordevil.com, which is a blog by Christine Fairchild, one of the primo teachers on the subject of writing.  Her articles are clear and concise, and she has a great sense of humor. I’ve taken a few of Christine’s classes and she is amazing.

And then there is http://www.shewrites.com. I love this site. Again, lots of articles, but what I love most about it are the forums, live chats and groups where women writers of like mind can talk about whatever problem they are facing, usually dealing with writing issues, but not always. And if the topic is one you aren’t interested in, you can move on to something else.

Here are a few more I tend to cruise around:

http://thecritiquecorner-writethatnovel.blogspot.com                                                                                                                             http://bookendslitagency.blogspot.com/                                                                                                                                                      http://www.plotwhisperer.blogspot.com/                                                                                                                                                    http://www.goodreads.com/                                                                                                                                                                               http://www.sandraparshall.com/write.html

I hope you get the oppotunity to visit these sites and enjoy the learning experiences, social activities, and even make some friends in the biz. And below, you’ll find the other members of the Rolling Mystery Blog Tour Ink who are on this roll. Please take time out to visit them.

KT Wagner–www.northernlightsgothic.com/blog                                                                                                                                 Nancy Lauzon–www.chickdickmysteries.com/2011/08/31/