Crime of Passion, Opportunity, or Premeditation?

This article is part of the Mystery Writer’s Rolling Blog Tours Ink. Other bloggers involved in this roll are listed below my article and will be blogging on the same topic.

And now for my article on Crime of Passion, Opportunity, or Premeditation?

This is such a fun topic! I don’t know that I’ve ever written a story involving a crime of opportunity. Crimes of passion fit into my writing well, because I like to write about the psychological aspects of crimes and criminals. I like to get into the heads of crazy people, evil people, strong people, weak people, killers, cops,good guys, bad guys, and nutzos.

But I enjoy reading all kinds of mystery, from cozies and comedies to thrillers. From Janet Evanovich to Stephen King. I truly enjoy reading something where I get to try to work out the puzzle. I’m the same way with movies and TV series. I don’t enjoy the open format where the reader/viewer knows more than the protagonist. I have more than 400 novels in these sub-genres.

I’m always open to reading and viewing suggestions, so please feel free to leave comments with your favorite mystery/suspense/thriller/cozy/mystery/police procedural, your favorite authors, shows, movies, etc.


Please take time out to visit the following blogs:

Maggie Toussaint–

4 comments on “Crime of Passion, Opportunity, or Premeditation?

  1. Hi Ryder,
    I enjoy different kinds of mysteries too. The key for me is the challenge of figuring it out. Although I must admit I skim the gruesome pages. I don’t want to dump truly awful stuff into my head. There’s enough junk there already! Maggie

  2. nancyelizabethlauzon says:

    Hi Ryder,

    I love puzzles too, which is probably why I love mysteries so much. I really enjoy the Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell. She keeps you guessing right until the end!


  3. Ryder,

    Solving puzzles (mysteries, crosswords, jigsaws) are not only fun, but help stimulate those “little gray cells” as Hercule Poirot would say.

  4. I love to discover the answers right along with the protagonist(s). I love Jonathon Kellerman and Laurie R. King.

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